Monday, May 30, 2011

non traditional wedding gowns

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  • twoodcc
    May 16, 12:26 PM
    haha yay! lucky :D let me know how it goes!

    yeah finally. but then 3 weeks later and i move. so i'll have a big outage then.

    Thought I would post here instead of starting a new thread. How do I get bonus points, all I am reading is -advmethods and setting up a passkey. Would it be worth it on a i7 720qm at 1.66ghz? Would it complete a wu in 4 days?

    This passkey sounds like a big deal should I be using it on all me machines?

    With the console client for windows, is there a way I can close the window with out it stopping folding, kind of pointless having the window constantly open. Surely it can fold in the background?

    Thanks guys :)

    hey starting a new thread is a good thing for this forum. we need more activity!

    but anyways, to get a bonus you need a passkey. so yes, get a passkey. once you complete 10 units with the passkey, you'll then start to get a bonus if you complete the units in time.

    as far as hiding the console client window, i'm not sure. i personally would rather have it open, so i know what it's doing. why not just minimize it?

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  • wordoflife
    May 2, 09:41 AM
    I kinda liked the fact i could look at where I've been with my phone.

    I can see how this update will have "battery life improvements" now that the phone is not going to be tracking our movements 24/7 even when all location services are shut off.

    The phone tracked movements through cell towers, not GPS. And your phone is always connected to cell towers anyways so nothing is changing in terms of battery life. Also, nothing is really changing in this update except the fact that you won't be able to access the location file.

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  • stealthman1
    Nov 24, 09:12 AM
    20% off on the Shure E500PTH was too much to take. I bit.:D

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  • dmr727
    Aug 9, 05:33 PM
    I completely agree with your position that we should have access to the efficient and modern diesels in this country.

    I hear this comment all the time. I was in Europe a few months back, and diesels were all over the place too. I don't know squat about the automotive industry, but given what you guys are saying about diesel's efficiency and so on - it seems to me that offering a modern diesel would be a slam dunk for an automaker in the States.

    So it begs the questions - why isn't it happening?


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    Mar 17, 08:02 AM
    OP you should return the ipad and get a full cash refund, then you can really stick it to best buy!

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  • Chris in SJ
    Jan 9, 05:12 PM
    Just wait, it will eventually play

    Ummm.. just out of curiousity.. when you say 'eventually' do you mean 1 minute? 5 minutes? 30 minutes? 90 minutes?

    I have been waiting here for 15 minutes and it's still not playing..

    You'd think they would just not make it available until they could meet demand..

    - C


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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    Think they will close the store this morning to update the laptop line??? or will they do it when they close the store during the live session?

    Don't get your hopes up. This is an iTMS update/iPod update.

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  • vendettabass
    Sep 12, 02:58 AM
    I assume the true video ipod will have the same price points as the current ones? if so, its a buy!


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  • Looking for a wedding dress

  • peharri
    Oct 3, 07:46 AM
    More people have heard of the 'DeCSS' programs, but, again, how many have actually used them? I'd say less than 1% of the computer-using public. And most of these people, like me, would only use it to exercise 'fair use' rights (i.e. I'm going on a plane trip, and I rip a DVD I own to my HD to save battery power, then I delete the files after watching it).

    You'll be surprised at the number of people who use VLC, as it's an excellent DVD player that usually has some advantages over {Whatever DVD player came with your computer}, notably that you don't always get {Whatever DVD player came with your computer} to begin with, it's free, it works, it's reliable, and if you have a good DVD drive, it's multi-region.

    VLC uses various libraries that were derived from DeCSS.

    I wonder how many people would suddenly notice the DMCA if we started seeing thousands of people arrested and thrown in jail, as is theoretically possible, because they downloaded and used an unauthorized DVD player, like one of the Free Software programs such as VLC, to watch DVDs they own?

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  • macaddict3
    May 4, 03:05 AM
    love the ad, truly a great device. a year ago everyone joke about the name but now people see the true side of the device what it could actually do.


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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 29, 01:04 AM
    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:

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  • MacRumors
    May 3, 09:23 PM (


    Apple released a new iPad 2 television commercial which carries the same tone as the We Believe commercial released in early April.
    If you asked a parent, they might call it intuitive. If you asked a musician, they might call it inspiring. To a doctor, it's groundbreaking. To a CEO, it's powerful. To a teacher, it's the future. If you asked a child, she might call it magic. And if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started.

    The new ad is on Apple's iPad page and YouTube channel.

    Article Link: Apple Releases 'If You Asked' Commercial for iPad 2 (


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  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 01:03 AM
    The fact that you feel good about yourself after doing this, to the point where you come on here to gloat, speaks volumes about your character.

    Pretty grotesque.

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  • altecXP
    Apr 29, 07:32 PM
    I just bought a 15" MBP
    I have to pay for new Lion? to upgrade

    This is just a release for developers to test, you can get it via paying $99 for a Developer account at It is full of bugs and other problems though. Unless you are a developer you probably won't want it right now.

    When Apple releases Lion to everyone else it will be a paid upgrade. It will probably be out later this year as the pace it is moving.


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  • Electro Funk
    Oct 28, 10:06 PM
    They may think it's cracked, but they'll find that things like the tuning tables for Logic's software instruments are all out of tune rendering the instruments useless. I'll guess that there are many other subtle little things the developers do to purposely screw up Logic Pro when it's not run with the actual XSkey (dongle), even if someone attempts to use a virtual dongle as a substitute. I'm glad they do because it keeps the value in my investment.

    you might be right ... im not sure... but this led me to do some more research and it appears that someone has it working... i wont post a link because it concerns piracy but this is one of his quotes...

    "you can get to all the pro features in this one, just unforutnately not easily :s

    For stuff like a SMPTE time ruler and big SMPTE transport display, you have to open an autoload with them already in the project. Same goes for project manager - you have to open an autoload (or just a normal project) with the project manager as a screenset. The reason this is different is with the 7.1 version, you get all the pro features just not the ways to get to them (hence me going on about shells and cores all the time).

    So far, ive managed to get everything working the same as Pro except some key commands, and there doesnt seem to be an aliasing feature.

    It looks like theres workarounds for everything, its just finding them. Eventually ill post up a project with all the missing Pro features in so everyone can just pick and choose what they want to use for their autoload.

    The Plug-ins thing is kinda annoying, but im starting to get that to work as well. Basically, to get the instruments, you just have to do a bit of renaming and copying in the Contents>Resources folder if you open up the Logic Pro package - it reads all the instruments from there. You will see an EXS24 but it will show up as an EXS24P due to Express, so you can just install a standalone EXS24 using the installers that are all over the place and it will recognise it."

    again... maybe he is ********ting, but many, many people were commenting after several of his posts thanking him for helping them get a fully functional express copy with all the pro features working for them as well...

    Looks like you have to jump through many many hoops to get everything working, but he seems to have done it...

    for what its worth, i dont condone this...

    non traditional wedding gowns. Non Traditional Wedding Dress.
  • Non Traditional Wedding Dress.

  • jinxednuance
    Mar 10, 12:21 AM
    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

    Niche? Really? So all the iPhones and iPads sold around the world and they're still niche? What's that niche called? the whole market?!


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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

    non traditional wedding gowns. Non-Traditional Wedding
  • Non-Traditional Wedding

  • Georgie
    Jan 5, 03:00 PM
    Why did Apple do away with live feeds of the event? That seems like a good idea. What are they trying to avoid?

    non traditional wedding gowns. non traditional wedding gowns.
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  • johndallas999
    Apr 25, 01:00 PM
    What is the hole above the ear piece?

    Apr 27, 06:40 PM
    In another McDonalds, across the pond, unfortunately someone did the right thing and ended up being brutalised and shot after.

    Link (

    Mar 17, 05:36 PM
    I don't know why people feel the need to put others down over their choice of electronic gadgets. People should get what best suits their needs and forget about what others are using. Personally, I would just ignore the rude comments.

    Apr 8, 02:53 PM
    Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.

    Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me.

    This is true of any retail. And it doesn't matter how bad or good corporate itself is, if you have good managers they can make a store that is great to go to regardless of bad corporate culture or vice versa.

    I'm sure Best Buy has some stores run by good management. I am betting the place you work at is one of those. But in my experiences amongst four different Best Buys between two different states, they are not the norm.

    (and yes, working for good managers makes a helluva lot of difference. They really do set the tone and not just in how they treat you and the customers and expect you to treat the customers, but it also shows in the quality of help they hire or the quality of help they keep. No, it's not fun to work under a manager who won't fire anyone. Sure, you have piece of mind in your job stability, but so does that crappy co worker that never does any work or pisses off the customers that you have to deal with the fallout from).

    Apr 15, 04:26 PM
    Ive worked in 3D for a number of years and the image strikes me as rendered and with radiosity at that. The images look compressed and have a spotty look to them. Firstly thats not how compression works, it doesnt take points and radiate out like that. Rendering with radiosity does, it looks like its been set to a low rays per pixel setting (different app call it different things but I think thats what Lightwave used to call it). Anyway you get a very similar image to the one provided.

    So I think fake because not only could I produce the same image in Lightwave but I could also produce the same characteristics of the lighting / rendering method.

    Oct 6, 11:31 AM
    Very clever. I tend to agree, but I waited two years after the release of the original iPhone for Verizon to offer something comparable that wasn't a Blackberry. Fortunately, I live in Atlanta (can't believe I just typed that sentence ...) where AT&T's service is just fine. Anyone who thinks it's bad here should go try to download a 100k photo in NYC on a Monday afternoon. Impossible! I think Starbucks has a better network with their AT&T wifi!

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